Where do I get help?
Orchards can be wonderful places to see wildlife – from bats to butterflies and uncommon species of birds. The trees can support mistletoe and lichen, and the grassland and decaying wood can be important places for mushrooms and a huge number of insects. Orchards can also be carpeted with flowers in the spring, providing a source of nectar for insects that will help pollinate the fruit and destroy pests.
Join the Clyde Valley Orchard Group
The Clyde Valley Orchard Co-operative runs informal practical sessions on a range of orchard management activities throughout the year. The group also has access to specialist horticultural advice, funds for various activities and other training courses, and a growing library of useful books on a range of subjects related to orchards and their management. New members are always welcome – whether you wish to become actively involved or simply keeping in touch with what is happening in the area.
Attend a course
There are a range of weekend and one day courses around the country on the use of various machinery and tools, pruning and other orchard activities, countryside management skills, and enterprises such as cider making and beekeeping. See Services, Advice & Materials for details of local, Scottish and UK based short courses.
Contact local agencies
There are a number of organisations in the area that may be able to help you with information and advice. These include: Farmer and Wildlife Advisory Service (FWAG), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Scottish Agricultural Collage, Rural Development Trust, and the South Lanarkshire County Council Biodiversity Officer. For contact details see Services, Advice & Materials
Find out what’s happening in other areas
There are a growing number of active orchard groups in Scotland. Individuals and groups generally recognise that they are facing similar challenges and are often keen to help each other. One way of discovering more about these issues and how others are tackling them is to attend events in other areas.
More detailed information
It is possible to access a huge amount of information on orchard management via the Internet, either by a specific search, a local orchard group website, tree nurseries, or various agencies such as Common Ground. The Publications section of this website directs you to various sources of information and advice. Please note, we would welcome your contribution if you know of particularly good sources of information, advice or materials.