Clyde Valley Orchard Cooperative
The Clyde Valley Orchard Group is a network of local people who are interested in finding ways to make more of the local orchards. Whether you own an orchard, would like to help out, or just come along to some of our events, you’d be very welcome to join us!
We run a range of activities including informal on-site workshops on subjects such as pruning, grafting, and harvesting techniques. We own a large fruit juicer which is very popular with members and has produced many gallons of apple juice. We are also looking into new markets for the fruit, and involving schools and voluntary groups in some of our work.
If you are interested in joining our group please feel free to contact us or complete the Membership Application Form
Why become a member
- Help to restore local orchards
- Access information and advice
- Develop new skills
- Access to funds for certain materials
- Interesting days out
- Newsletters & Library
- Join others with similar interests
- Get together to work on a new enterprise
Our Vision
To restore and develop the orchards and their associated enterprises as a key asset of the Clyde Valley to benefit the community, local economy, landscape and wildlife.
What we aim to do
To build the capacity of individuals and groups to sensitively manage the orchards for a range of benefits
To create a focal point for the exchange of information and resources relating to the orchards.
To develop and promote a range of local, high quality orchard produce
To gain a better understanding of the range of fruit varieties within the Clyde Valley and identify and conserve old varieties
To promote public awareness and appreciation of the Clyde Valley Orchards by working in partnership with individuals, schools, youth and community groups.