Publications, Information and Links
HS pruning and training – 2nd revised edition
– Christopher Brickell & David Joyce (£19.99)
The definitive illustrated guide. It contains detailed A-Z information on general pruning principles; growth habits and particular needs of plants, trees and flowers, and includes clear, step-by-step images.
Apples in Scotland – Currently out of Print
– John Butterworth (£6.50)
The only practical guide to choosing and growing apples north of the border. Excellent bioregional work and very good value.
The Common Ground Book Of Orchards: Conservation, Culture and Community.
– Common Ground Editorial Committee (£18.50)
Orchard history and culture with much useful information on design, planting and management. Beautifully presented with photos by James Ravilious.
The Fruit Expert
– Dr. D. G. Hessayon (£7.99)
Good simple introduction & good value for money. A guide to choosing and growing garden fruit. Used in conjunction with “Growing Fruit”, these two books cover everything from choosing which fruit to grow, to the detailed care and pruning of each variety. Highly recommended.
Growing Fruit
– Harry Baker (£8.99)
This manual supplies information on growing conventional and more exotic fruits, from soft, tree and warm temperate fruits to nuts and currants. Highly recommended.
Organic apple production: pest and disease management
– Josie Bevan & Stella Knight (£8.00)
Valuable information for dealing with the more technical aspects of organic apple production. The booklet is filled with advice and practical solutions, with topics covering every aspect of pest and disease management.
The Fruit Manual – limited to 1000 numbered copies
– Robert Hogg (£40.00)
This is a reprint of the rare and highly sought after 1884 5th edition. The author collected the details for the book during what was probably the height of British fruit growing. The book includes classification of fruits, key features, known history of each variety, alternative names and areas they were grown.
Information Packs
* Denotes available for loan to members of the Clyde Valley Orchard Group
Orchard Advice Notes
– Common Ground (Single 50p / Set £10.50) *
A4 information sheets on a wide range of subjects related to orchards and fruit growing. Much practical advice and a source of useful contact details. Orchard Advice Notes
Conservation Information Pack
– BTCV (N/A) *
This pack of leaflets is sent to those joining the BTCV group membership Scheme (CLAN). It gives basic instruction on a selection of outdoor conservation activities including: walling, fencing, pond work, tree planting, dune work, habitat management, hedging & coppicing, footpath construction.
Community Woodland Information Pack
– Reforesting Scotland (Single £1 each Set £15)
A total of 20 information sheets on a wide range of subjects on establishing community woodland. A fair number of these sheets refer to activities that are also important for orchard conservation and management.
Online Publications
A Clyde Valley orchard survey
– IronsideFarrar Ltd. (2004)
Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 023 (ROAME No. F02L121)
Clyde Valley Forest Habitat Network
– Peterken, G.F. (2000)
Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report F99L109
A preliminary history of the Clyde Valley woodlands
– Sansum, P., Stewart, M. J. and Watson, F. J. (2005)
European Commission
Stand dynamics in Tilio-Acerion woodlands of the Clyde Valley.
– Thompson, R (2005)
European Commission
South Lanarkshire Biodiversity Action Plan
– South Lanarkshrie Biodiversity Partnership
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers
– BTCV Handbooks On-line